Below is the overall distribution of the 100M Total supply on Ethereum:
45M Presale 10M Liquidity pool (Uniswap V3 LP pool) 10M In-game rewards (locked for at least 3 months) 10M Staking (5 million released at launch, after every 3 months 5%)
10M Venture Capital Investors 5M Partnerships/KOLs (1 million released each month) 5M CEX Listings 5M Team/Development (800,000 released each month after launch)
There is no buy/sell tax and the liquidity will be provided to Uniswap V3. We will use the 1% pool fee to motivate others to gain fees through liquidity provisioning.
Additional Safety Measures:
Contract audit completed, see here
Liquidity locked for 1 year, to be extended
Ownership renounced
Multisig Wallets to manage funds
Last updated